So incredibly frustrated at the moment. My lovely sister, when she wants to be :p, knows that I am the Ebay supremo, so asked me to bid on some hair extensions for her. I click it all on, get geared up to spearfish at the last second, which any diehard Ebayist knows is the only way to bid on stuff and then I click and it displays instead my sign-in this point I am so stunned that I don't do anything for a couple of seconds and then the anger takes dare it sign me out of its own accord! Suffice to say, we didn't win that particular auction, but there are other ones ending in the next couple of days so all is saved.
I really do have an addiction to Ebay..I am checking stuff out at least 3 times a day, I have purchased way too much stuff off it, and no doubt will do so for many years to come. I am a bargain hunter, and its turned into a little sport between hubby and I to see who can get the most for the least amount of money. Its really quite satisfying to get things at way below what you would pay for in the retail shops and I can't understand why other people don't strive to do the same. Ebay is a great place to get all sorts of goodies, new and used. And quite frankly, when you buy something brand new off the shelf and take it home, wash it once, its then classified as used anyway, so why not save yourself some money, and buy it used in the first place?
Everyone is always complaining about a lack of money, they have to work so much, they don't get any time off, etc etc...but seriously, do they really manage their money how they should? Do they go out and buy a whim right now, or wait for longer and perhaps get it at a much reduced price? Do they shop around and source it at a lower price from another store? Do they ask for a better price instead of the asking price, because you may be surprised if you are cheeky enough to ask a store person what is the absolute best price they can do it for, you might just get a few bucks off which you could use to get yourself a nice cuppa and cake after bargain shopping around all day.
BTW..Recently, I found a lovely butterfly necklace ( I am a butterfly and fairy freak too) on Ebay..hubby was cheeky and made them an offer of $60 less than their asking price and they accepted! You never know unless you ask :)
We don't have any credit cards, nor do we have any mortages or loans for anything. We have always dealt strictly with cash and if we can't afford something we want, we wait until we have saved up enough money and then buy it. This also gives you some prospective on whether you are buying something because you want it, or because you truly need it. We all have wants, some silly and frivolous, some not so, but we all have needs too which we can't live without. Prioritizing things is a necessity that everyone needs to learn along with patience. Good things come to those that wait :)
Work is love made visible.
And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man's hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distils a poison in the wine.